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Half Marathon Diary

July 5, 2015
News and Sentinel Half Marathon

One more week down and I'm inching ever closer to the finish line. This week, the River City Runners and Walkers half marathon trainees tackled 10 miles. Yes, 10 long, winding, intense miles but, strangely enough, this was one of my best runs.

This week I paid particular attention to my pacing. I made sure that, instead of music, I listened to podcasts. I love music, and I love running to music, but the beats per minute quicken my pace and before I know it I'm completely gassed a quarter of the way into the run. So, this week Mark Maron and I took to the streets, focusing on being the tortoise instead of the hare.

Everyone has heard the phrase 'timing is everything.' I've seen the quote attributed to Greek poet Hesiod, honestly though, who can say for sure. Now, I'm not saying I'm a great philosopher, but I have to say, I don't necessarily agree with timing being everything.

Over the course of my run this week, as I focus on my timing and pace, I realized that I've never given much stock to Hesiod's words that timing is everything.

Don't get me wrong, I know timing is important, but I'm more of an 'all-in' type of girl.

If I make my mind up to do something, timing be darned, I'm doing it, and just you watch me do it, naysayers. I mean, I'm still running, aren't I?

I grew up with three siblings. There was no time to consider timing.

Want to get the comfy blanket during family movie night? Move fast, don't wait to see what other covers are available. Splitting a pizza with five slices among four kids? Move quickly, get that last slice, and don't let mom cut it into four pieces (someone's getting the short straw here, be honest). Move or be moved.

Personally, I wish the phrase would read 'pacing is everything.' Every week, there are parts of the run when I have to cross the street. Sometimes there are lights, sometimes not. If there's no light, or the light is stale, and I need to pick up the pace to capitalize on that light's timing, I have to make sure I can.

If I'm going to be able to make it all 10 miles, I need to make sure I don't burn out before the run is even under way.

Timing is important, but I can't capitalize on timing if my pace is too frenzied or too slow.

It's easy to get swept up in keeping with the pack and running as fast as you can when you hear the starting bell. It's easy to forget that there are more miles ahead of me than behind me. But, if I can keep my pace, and remember to focus on the half marathon, not the sprint, I think I stand a pretty good chance of finishing this thing!



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