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Fight the thirst before it fights you

July 19, 2022 - Jacqualin Leaman
Studies have showed that when you are preparing for a race you should be doing more than just running day after day.

You also should be drinking as much water as possible! As everyone is running in anticipation for the race, are you sure that you are drink the right amount of water?

Well you should be drink half you body weight in ounces of water, in the days leading up to the race.

The morning of the race you should be drinking at least one bottle of water as soon as you wake up the day of the race. And you should be sipping on water all the way up to the start line. Because being dehydrated is the last thing you would ever want to be when running a half marathon.

Some of the side effects you can experience are headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, low blood pressure, and extreme thirst.

To help our runners from feeling their worst during our race we have volunteers in our community set up water stations all over town to help people continue to feel there best as the heat and distance can take it toll on a persons body.

For more information about staying hydrated and out water stops go to the link posted below to read what race co-director Art Smith had to say in a column published earlier this summer.

Remember to fight the thirst before it fights you.


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